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If you own a store or an office building, you probably work hard to keep up its exterior. But, if you own a warehouse, perhaps you give little thought to how it looks. Maybe you’ve never even considered professional commercial painting services for that building.

Nevertheless, warehouses need and deserve fresh coats of paint every so often. In fact, once your warehouse has been painted, you might wonder why you waited so long to hire commercial painting pros.

Here are five specific reasons why it’s a great idea to paint a warehouse.

1. Rust Be Gone

Rust is so often a problem with metal siding. As you might remember from chemistry class, rust occurs when moisture and oxygen corrode metal.

Of course, when metal siding rusts, it gets weaker. And you have to replace it more often.

However, with commercial painting, you can seal your warehouse, protecting it from rain, snow, and ice. Thus, if you have metal siding, it won’t rust nearly as fast.

2. Structural Safeguarding

In addition to moisture, new layers of paint protect warehouses from heavy winds, ultraviolet rays, and other harmful atmospheric conditions.

Without new paint, your entire warehouse will be more susceptible to wear and tear. Concrete, in particular, weakens with constant exposure to the elements.

As your warehouse’s exterior degrades, serious structural damage can occur. At that point, you’d surely need major — and costly — repairs.

3. Keeping Pests Away

Because fresh paint can seal a building, it can prevent bugs from entering, building nests, reproducing in large numbers, and posing hazards for everyone inside.

Fungi can also be pests of sorts. That’s especially true when molds or mildews trigger allergies and other respiratory issues. Because new paint can protect a building from moisture, however, it can help inhibit fungal growth.

4. Impress Your Visitors

Any clients, vendors, or business partners who visit your recently painted warehouse are sure to admire its exterior. And, by making a good first impression, you’ll boost your chances of establishing long-term relationships with them.

On the other hand, a warehouse that looks faded and dull, with paint peeling all over the place, could scare people away. Rightly or wrongly, it would tell visitors that your business doesn’t truly take pride in itself.

5. Impress Your Staff

If you give them an appealing workplace, your employees will appreciate it. After all, you’ll be sending them a clear message that you care about them, that you want to invest in them.

In turn, your staff members may be more motivated to work hard and achieve their full potential on the job.

Finally, if your warehouse is located in New York’s Nassau County or Suffolk County, Excel Painting can provide it with an outstanding paint job. We specialize in commercial painting services and coatings of all kinds.

Yes, our knowledge of paint is vast and deep. We’re as familiar with the latest painting techniques and equipment as we are with the characteristics of paint — all types of paint. And we definitely know which finishes to apply to which substrates.

We’re fully insured and licensed, and we can paint in the most challenging of spaces and places. Our entire team is friendly and dedicated to the best in customer service. And we always finish our work on budget and on time.

If you’d like more information, we’d be happy to consult with you about colors, scheduling, and related matters. Then, if you choose to work with us, you’d soon have one of the most vibrant warehouses in all of Suffolk or Nassau County!

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